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The Message of Stay-Armed

The Constitution doesn’t grant us freedoms; it prohibits the government from
taking them.

The 27 words of the Second Amendment of our Constitution: A well regulated Militia,
being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to
keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

We, The People, are the militia.

The point of gun control laws is to make de facto criminals out of the
majority of the gun-owning population. If proponents of gun control are serious
about getting guns out of Americans’ hands, someone will have to take those
guns out of Americans’ hands.

Disarming law-abiding citizens would leave us defenseless against a tyrannical government. Which history has repeatedly demonstrated.

In the words of the late Kitty Werthmann, Holocaust survivor: “Keep your guns,
buy more guns, and stock up on your ammo. A gun is no good without ammo. [For]
five years from 1938 until 1943, we had a full-blown dictatorship. Had we kept
our guns, we would have fought a bloody battle to the last man and woman to
keep our freedom. But we had no guns.”

In other words: STAY ARMED.